
Try a Week of PieceMeal

Try a Week of PieceMeal
Try a Week of PieceMeal
"We all Deserve Farm Fresh"
This item is not presently for sale, please check back when ordering is open.
Have you wanted to try PieceMeal without the month long commitment?
This is your chance!
Bring home 3 meals (2 portions) for a week, unique recipes to inspire your in season eating.
Customers love this kit for its ability to teach them new recipes, the portion sizes give them just enough for the meals; eliminating food waste, and the packaging is in returnable jars to save on unnecessary plastic.
Go Here:
To see the current PieceMeal Menu

Each kit contains the recipes, dry goods, and veggies needed for 3 recipes (2 servings).
Not included: meat or dairy, unnecessary plastic, salt and basic pantry supplies.
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