
Seedling, Tomato

Seedling, Tomato
Seedling, Tomato
Cherry Tomatoes & Slicing Tomatoes
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SUNGOLD, CHERRY TOMATO - Vibrant, plump, tangerine-coloured tomatoes droop in long trusses on vigorous vines that keep on producing all summer. First to bloom with early yields.
GREEN ZEBRA - Tomatoes a chartreuse in colour with deep lime green stripes. This is an easy to grow mid-season tomato. Plants mature late with prolific yields of tasty fruit 2 inches around. Green Zebra hasan amazing, unique rich taste commonly described as sweet with a complex zing. A favourite among chefs! These tomatoes were developed by heirloom breeder Thomas Wagner in the mid 1980's from 4 varieties of heirloom tomatoes.
GALAHAD - Classic red slicer
BUMBLEBEE CHERRY TOMATO- Large cherry tomatoes with red and orange stripes
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