
Seeds, Greens

Seeds, Greens
Seeds, Greens
Collards, Kale, Orach, Cress !
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‘Belle Isle Upland’ Cress (Barbarea verna) 50 Days A super hardy green with a spicy kick when raw or reminiscent of spinach when cooked. This green is also packed with vitamins that were alleged to save the lives of a shipwrecked, portuguese crew in the 17th century. Best planted when temperatures start to cool in late summer. A great starter green from someone testing out the winter season growing in cold frames. APRROX +1000 SEED PER 2GRAM PACKET

Orach Galaxy Mix (Atriplex hortensis) 45 Days This mix comes with shades of purple and green depending on the cross-pollination but magenta tends to be the dominant colour in this mix. Also known as ‘mountain spinach’ this a great choice for those who love spinach but are unable to grow it during the warmer months. The leaves are much more tender so it is best eaten fresh or within a day or two. A great addition to salad mixes! Can be continuously harvested if water adequately and flower heads are pinched off. Gets about 3-4ft tall.

'Tough Baby' Kale Mix - This is probably one of the first crops we started saving seeds from several years ago. We call it tough baby because it is the toughest and most tender kale we grow on the farm. APRROX +500 SEED PER 2GRAM PACKET

Collards - Thick blue-green leaves with a slight savoyed look. Makes great wraps. APRROX +500 SEED PER 2GRAM PACKET

Plaintain- A wild and nutritious green. Best eaten young. Seeds are also edible and great for digestion.

Green Me Up comes with all 5 greens for the rabbit in you! :)
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