
Houseplant, Echeveria

Houseplant, Echeveria
Houseplant, Echeveria
This sweet houseplant called "Frosty" has thick soft fuzzy pale green leaves, fast growing.
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Echeveria is a family of indoor succulent plants that come in a range of forms.

This particular plant has diamond-shaped leaves that are thick and fleshy, pale green-blue in colour, and are covered with a soft downy fuzz. This variety is aptly named "Frosty" and we love to offer it in the winter with a name like that!

I currently have 6 plants ready to go, in either round ceramic pots with attached base plates (in blue or purple) OR in tall cement pots (in grey or white, both are flecked).

All our houseplants have a nice gemstone tucked in beside the plant, our signature decoration. Easy to water and care for. To keep these looking their best, keep trimming off the taller growth as it gets too big. This will maintain the lovely size and shape of this variety. This plant likes good sun near a south or west window, and watering should take place every 2 weeks.

Note on propagation: These are local! I have been growing and propagating houseplants since I was a teenager, helping my mom take care of her vast collection of houseplants. All of my succulents and cacti are propagated from my own "mother" plants or grown from cuttings. Some of them are many years old by the time they are ready for sale, especially the slow growing cacti! Propagating plants is a slow act of patient enjoyment, but this is an important alternative to most houseplants you will find for sale, which are grown in massive, fuel-intensive greenhouses and shipped in from out of province or out of country. Most houseplants are not locally grown, they are just repotted from wholesale plugs. I hope you might enjoy one of mine, or consider giving one as a gift. (People love receiving a fresh houseplant!)
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