
Seeds, Peas

Seeds, Peas
Seeds, Peas
Snap peas, shelling peas, and soup peas! A choice for every gardener's favourite kind of pea.
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LITTLE MARVEL: A great shelling pea for the home gardener! It produces full-sized peas (7-8 peas per pod) on smaller dwarf plants. They grow about 18" tall, so you can either grow them in rows so they self-support, or you can provide a simple low trellis. No huge trellis projects required for this pea! You can plant throughout the spring into early summer and you can also plant in the late summer when night temperatures begin to dip, giving you a late fall crop of peas. Heritage variety.

SUPER SUGAR SNAP: These are amazing! They are a sweet, very productive, edible-podded open-pollinated pea. You just pick and eat, no shelling at all! These are a full-sized pea so a trellis is required. Can grow to 5 feet tall. Pick often to keep the plants flowering and producing.

SUMMER: My middle name is Summer so I have been growing this variety on and off for 2 decades. It's a rare variety, only offered by one other seed company in Canada. It's a lovely dwarf variety, so it's self-supporting and does not require trellising. These are shelling peas and yield reliably, even during hot summers or if you miss the early spring window and need to plant your peas a bit later in May or early June.

DARLAINE SOUP PEA: A beautiful yellow soup pea, originally given to me by my gardening friend Jali Giroux. She would use this to make her soup aux pois (Quebec pea soup), a simple and hearty winter dish. What a treat to make pea soup from scratch using a local, homegrown peas instead of imported split peas. This is an easy-to-grow bush variety that grows to 2’ and is nicely self-supporting so no trellis is needed. Grow like any other pea, then harvest when pods are brown and seeds are dry inside.
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