
Farm Box, Vegetable

Farm Box, Vegetable
Farm Box, Vegetable
This item is not presently for sale, please check back when ordering is open.

Subscriptions are available for Wednesday and Saturday pickup. However, we are only offering Saturday pickup during Covid-19 to meet demand, so it is possible we will stop Saturday pickup at some point. At that time, we would contact you and switch your pickup day to Wednesday.

20 Weeks of Spray-Free Veggies, Fruits & Herbs. Each week cost $27, this includes the delivery fee. Feeds 2-4 each week depending on your lifestyle. Not recommended for a single person unless you are a serious veggie lover. CSA subscriptions run from July 8th 2019 - November 18th 2019.

All payments for Subscriptions must be received no later than June 24th, and we will process all payments not yet received on that date

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