
Fox Hill Cheese House
Address: 1678 Church Street Port Williams, NS, B0P 1T0
Phone: 902-542-3599
About Us
Fox Hill Farm, a sixth generation family farm nestled in the lush fields of the Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia, is home to Fox Hill Cheese House. We plant the seed, grow the grass, milk our Holstein and Jersey cows, and use the finest, freshest quality milk in our own processing facility. Fox Hill Cheese House produces many varieties of savoury cheese, natural yogurt, luscious gelato, and pasteurized non-homogenized milk in glass bottles.
Our herd of Jersey and Holstein cows are housed in a natural ventilated loose housing barn during the colder months of the year while being pasture fed from spring to late fall. Our animals have a constant source of feed and water in front of them, including hay from our own fields. We work with a feed nutritionist to assure our animals have a well balanced diet. A small herd allows us to pay strict attention to the quality forage fed to our cows and to the production of clean, pure milk.
Our land at Fox Hill Farm, we feel it's imperative to give back to the land and not rob nutrients year after year. Therefore, each year, we use as many of our own nutrients to replenish the land, as we plough, harrow, seed, and harvest.